Imagenet Give Back to Tampa Bay Essential Workers

Monday, September 28th, was National Good Neighbor Day in the world of social media. To celebrate, ImageNet wanted to give back to their neighbors at Tampa General Hospital who have been working tirelessly during the COVID-19 Pandemic. ImageNet recently learned that Tampa General Hospital has put together a committee to support team members who have been on the COVID-19 units since March. The committee’s goals are to provide as much support to the staff who might be feeling any sort of stress or fatigue from working in such stressful conditions. Imagenet was proud to donate to the committee and help provide coffee and pastries to 4 COVID-19 units on Good Neighbor Day as a reminder that these hospital staff members have been putting themselves in harm’s way for many months, and we should be doing what we can as neighbors to support them.

If you are interested in helping the Tampa General Hospital COVID-19 staff, you can make an online donation at:


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